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Home > Verilog > Parity Generator

Verilog Parity Generator


The parity generator is a digital combinational circuit, which takes the input data and generates a parity bit depending upon the data. It is generally used in digital transmitters.

Parity generators are classified into:

  • Even Parity Generator
  • Odd Parity Generator

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Even Parity Generator

The even parity generator ensures that even number of 1’s is maintained in the output binary data. The output binary data contains all the input bits followed by an extra parity bit. For example, input data is 000, the parity bit will be ‘0’ and if input data is 100, the parity bit will be ‘1’. Thus, maintaining even number of 1’s in binary data.

Truth Table for Even Parity Generator



module even_parity(data_in, parity_out);
	parameter WIDTH = 3;
	input [WIDTH-1:0] data_in;
	output parity_out;
	assign parity_out = ^data_in;


module tb_parity_gen;
	parameter WIDTH = 4;
	reg [WIDTH-1:0] data_in;
	wire parity_out;
	integer i;
	even_parity #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) dut(data_in, parity_out);
	initial begin
		for(i = 0; i < 2**WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin
			data_in = i;

Odd Parity Generator

The odd parity generator ensures that odd number of 1’s is maintained in the output binary data. The output binary data contains all the input bits followed by an extra parity bit. For example, input data is 000, the parity bit will be ‘1’ and if input data is 100, the parity bit will be ‘0’. Thus, maintaining odd number of 1’s in binary data.

Truth Table for Odd Parity Generator



module odd_parity(data_in, parity_out);
	parameter WIDTH = 3;
	input [WIDTH-1:0] data_in;
	output parity_out;
	assign parity_out = ~^data_in;


module tb_parity_gen;
	parameter WIDTH = 4;
	reg [WIDTH-1:0] data_in;
	wire parity_out;
	integer i;
	odd_parity #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) dut(data_in, parity_out);
	initial begin
		for(i = 0; i < 2**WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin
			data_in = i;


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